On Saturday morning over 650 swimmers gathered at Larchmont Yacht Club to participate in Swim Across America’s annual Long Island Sound open water swim, raising over $1 million for cancer.
Among those swimmers was Badger Senior Team member Tim Buttigieg who elected to swim the 5k, raised an astonishing $15,825 and was a Top SAA Fundraiser. 2014 Summer USA Junior National Qualifier Rich Mannix swam the 2k and was the 1st “miler” to reach the beach at Larchmont Shore Club. James Simone of the Badger Senior Team also swam the 2k.
The Badger Junior Team was led by Finn Seibold who was also a Top SAA Fundraiser joined by fellow team mates Jackie Coquillette, Martine Fierro and Coach Kip Fierro in the 2k swim.
We are proud of the swimmers and sincere thanks to all of you who so generously donated to their swims. Their stories are inspirational and can be found via the links below or at www.swimacrossamerica.org:
Finn Seibold of the Badger Junior Team:
Tim Buttigieg of the Badger Senior Team: