Every meet requires volunteers to ensure the meet goes off without a hitch and we can’t do it without you!
If your child is swimming at Silvers, the expectation is that at least one parent will volunteer as a timer, meet Marshall or at the admissions door during the meet. Swimming is a family commitment and the team needs your support!
- Please sign up for a volunteer position. Please note: Admissions is the top priority role that we need filled. Remember – VOLUNTEERS GET FREE ENTRY!
- Please sign up to bring snack and drinks and/or to help with hospitality for the pool deck for the coaches and officials to keep their energy up.
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[simnor_button url=”https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4BA5A82EA3FC1-silvers” icon=”pencil” label=”Volunteer Sign Up” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”large” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]
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[simnor_button url=”https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4BA5A82EA3FC1-silvers1″ icon=”food” label=”Snack Sign Up” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”large” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]
Did you know?
Meet Officials are volunteers who come from all over the metro area just to support youth swimming! Without these officials who give their time willingly to support Badger and work these meets, meets would not be possible. Thank an official if you see them at a meet. Support them by volunteering for a meet role. Feed them with snacks. Better yet- become one! Becoming an official is the best way to support your swimmer and their swim team. Email Badger Parent & Metro Official Oliver Pennington for more information!
Helpful Information
[simnor_button url=”/swim-meet-volunteer-descriptions/” icon=”users” label=”Learn about the different roles at a meet” colour=”light-gray” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]
[simnor_button url=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AL0QRMsSst_JjIQVsq77q-8z8mct8sEYL413N4VIZDk/edit?usp=sharing” icon=”” label=”Admissions Volunteer Info Packet” colour=”light-gray” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”]